Change is challenging. At this time of transition and transformation for the world it can seem that things are spinning out of control not only in our personal lives but all around us. It can be really scary to think that so many changes could happen very quickly. It can feel overwhelming. What are we to do?
Our automatic response to change and unpredictable circumstances is fear. It is okay that we are afraid. That is a natural and normal thing. However, focusing on fear tends to create a lot more fear and things can spiral out of control. It doesn’t take long and we have a situation where anxiety sets in and our nervous system has no choice but to default to the flight, fight or freeze response. This happens automatically and we often don’t even realize what is happening.
Have you ever laid in bed at night and worried about something? You created the worst scenario outcome in your mind and you can’t sleep. Your heart is pounding and you are beside yourself trying to come up with a solution but your mind just keeps recreating increasingly worse case scenarios. You can’t sleep and this brings more frustration. I have been there many times.
What happens here is that the mind finds a perceived problem or risk to either your physical or emotional safety. It immediately proceeds to try to find a solution with the information that you have. First it must contemplate every possible scenario that could cause harm and every little thing you may have done incorrectly. Your mind becomes incessant because that is its job. It is there to keep you safe. Meanwhile none of these scenarios have actually played out. They are just possible outcomes. Some might even be impossible outcomes!
Once we realize that the mind is doing this to us, we can take steps to slow this process down. We need to bring ourselves back to love. This is not the easiest thing to do but once you have mastered the technique it will become a life changer. As soon as you notice your mind running away like this, bring yourself back to this moment by concentrating on your breath, what you can see out your eyes and feel as sensations in your body. This is bringing you back to the present moment. Focus on all five of your senses and repeat calming phrases like “I am safe in this moment. I can relax. I am at peace.” Even if you don’t believe it right now. Fake it ‘till you make it.
Start to focus on people or things that are in the room that you are grateful for, then expand to your home, to your community, and so on. What do you love about your life? What do you want to bring to the people around you? What small things can you do to be kind to yourself today? What small things can you do for others? This might be as easy as smiling at the first person you see or giving yourself a high five in the mirror. When you start putting yourself in this space you are seeing things from a higher vibration and you are more able to see what challenges you are able to control and what you are not able to control and act more rationally.
From this space you are actually able to access the emotions that have been created by your thoughts and to process them in a positive, healthy way. Now the beautiful thing about this is that when you bring yourself back to a positive place, you make a positive impact for you but also for those around you as well. It has an amazing ripple effect as others forward on what you have energetically gifted. You are more powerful than you think and your thoughts and feelings matter not only to you and your immediate family but the whole world. Energetically to change the world you see you must be the change you want to create. Lots of love, Angela.