When my son Curtise was born he had a condition called Hirschsprung's Disease which is a rare congenital condition that affects the bowel. The first year of his life we doctored and were in and out of hospitals. It took a while for us to find out exactly what it was and then he had to have surgery. Even years after the surgery he continued to have trouble and by the time he was 4 years old I was getting very concerned. A friend from home suggested that we see a lady named Roxene Harris who had helped her daughter. Roxene referred to herself as a metaphysical healer and she lived in Regina. I figured we had nothing to lose and so away we went all the way Blaine muttering, "I can't believe we are going to see a witch." When we reached her door she answered by saying, "Hi, my name is Roxene and I am not a witch." Right from there Blaine was trying hard not to think. We laughed about that story many times since. You see, she had some amazing psychic abilities but more importantly was able to heal Curtise and his condition was no longer an issue.
That was my first experience with a healer. Blaine and I and several of our family members and friends went to see Roxene and we all have stories of conditions that were healed through her sessions. I worked with Roxene for a short time and through the experience was fascinated with energy and how it works with our bodies and how it might be used to heal. I always meant to spend more time pursuing this but good intentions were clouded by busy work and family obligations and I never did get into it as much as I would have liked. I attempted to keep in touch with Roxene but eventually lost contact to this day I haven't heard what happened with her.
When Blaine was diagnosed, we were devastated as you can well imagine. The first person we called was a lady by the name of Joan Tremblay. She was a friend of my Mom's from Nanaimo. I had worked with her before and had great success and so we started our journey with her. At the end of Joan's sessions we would feel so much better. She was able to alleviate any pain or discomfort Blaine had in addition to helping him and I with our emotions and outlook. She was like a counsellor and a healer rolled into one and we are so very grateful to her for walking us through to the end of Blaine's earth journey. Her support was invaluable and we are forever grateful for her time and commitment.
Sometime in April, after we had moved to Maple Creek, I met another beautiful soul. I had been researching and studying online a lot and I stumbled upon a lady named Adrien Blackwell. She was doing an energy healing summit and interviewed a lot of different healers. One of the people she interviewed resonated with me. Her name was Anna Coeur and I signed up on her website to receive her emails. One day I got an email from her inviting anyone who wanted to a group healing for free. There was about a dozen of us that showed up for the healing online. Ana went through each one of us in turn and did a quick healing which reminded me very much in feel to the healing I had received from Roxene. When she was finished I felt such a relief from the grief I was feeling. Yes grief. I was grieving the man I used to laugh with, travel with, camp with, be with. The cancer took his spirit and crushed mine. I told her my story and she offered to do a free healing for Blaine. The rest is history. She too followed us through our journey every step of the way right up to the end. Both Ana and Joan have continued to be a part of my life.
Roxene always said that if she could just sit in the emergency room of the hospital and diagnose patients as they came in, she could help streamline their care. It is a strength of many healers to be able to diagnose and get to the root of physical issues as they are often associated with the emotions we have trapped inside. I will never dispute what western medicine has to offer. They do amazing things. It seems like there are benefits to both and together they could be stronger.
Along the way there have been several other encounters. I had taken classes with Alain Herriot in the summer and fall. I have had sessions with Andrew Martin, Cathleena Hailley and taken classes online with Donna Eden and David Feinstein and others. I am presently learning many healing modalities from an amazing healer I mentioned earlier, Adrien Blackwell, in a six month course that started in January. There are a dozen healers in this program and we have been learning from each other and supporting each other under Adrien's direction. I went on a week long journey in Sedona with an organization called Spirit Quest and through that journey was able to learn a great deal more about myself and several new healing modalities had had not even known about. I am learning everyday and there is so much more to learn. So my journey continues with much needed support from others in the field. Let me know if you are interested in or if you have ever had an experience with energy healing. I would love to hear your story. You can also message me on Facebook at the Widowhood and Woo Woo page.